Al reunir a un público global con funciones en vivo y bajo demanda, GSX + abre las puertas a un mundo de oportunidades y respuestas para el desarrollo profesional y la colaboración, ampliando sus perspectivas sobre el futuro de la seguridad física y cibernética, la gestión de instalaciones, la gestión de crisis y la planificación de la continuidad del negocio. .
Discuta lo último en tendencias de seguridad y temas oportunos.Demostración virtual de productos industriales recientemente lanzados
Red con profesionales en todo el canal de distribución, desde usuarios finales hasta distribuidores y distribuidores.
Aumente exponencialmente su conocimiento, y el valor que aporta, a través de lo último en COVID-19, liderazgo global, violencia en el lugar de trabajo, seguridad cibernética, seguridad escolar, la industria del cannabis, sistemas no tripulados y más
Esta plataforma de experiencia en línea ofrece seguridad de alto nivel con tecnología de cifrado SSL / TLS y es auditada anualmente por terceros para garantizar la transmisión segura de datos.
Accessible Content at GSX+
This experience is designed to be a culmination of all things security, so you can serve as a valued leader and trusted advisor in today’s complex and rapidly evolving enterprise security risk management landscape.
- 25 CPE credits*
- More than 80 sessions live and on-demand
- Keynotes
- Tech Talks
- Game Changers
Game Changer Sessions are delivered by thought leaders who are transforming their industries and addressing topical and timely issues to include:
- Disinformation and Deepfake Media: How Critical Is the Rise and Spread?
- Preparing for Disaster on a Global Scale: A Playbook for Sustainable Operations
- Election Security: What to Expect, How to Prepare
- Security Leadership Post Pandemic: Staying at the Table
*25 continuing professional education credits per all-access pass.
Amplified Connections at GSX+
This experience provides a new, fully virtual forum for the global security community to connect and engage.
- Braindates: one-on-one or small group conversations based on topics of shared interest
- Networking Activities
- Lively speaker Q+A sessions
- Attendee One-on-One Meetings
Globalized Community at GSX+
Involvement in GSX+ directly supports the funding of scholarships for security professionals around the globe and the administration of essential industry certifications, standards, and guidelines.
- ASIS Hub
- ASIS Store
- Member Engagement
- ASIS Foundation
- CSO Center
- Career HQ
Broadened Commerce at GSX+
GSX+ is where a global audience of leading professionals and partners showcase their knowledge, products, and services through an easy-to-use, safe, and secure platform.
- Matchmaking
- Networking
- One-on-One Chat Capabilities
- Exhibitor Meetings